10 Floral Items You Need for Your Baby Girl

She is the apple of your eye.  Her sweet little smile that sneaks through as she sleeps to her tiny toes.  Your newborn baby girl is your world.  As for the latest and greatest baby trends, its only natural that we seek to flaunt off that girly number.  For a floral show like to other and to really rock her inner Boho, check out these 10 Floral Items you need for your Baby Girl!

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10 of the Best Foods for Boosting your Fertility

best foods for boosting fertility

Getting pregnant for some can be easy and others can have a difficult time. Sometimes it’s a matter of eating the right foods and treating your body the best way you can. Some women also find that getting pregnant is as easy as tracking their cycles. One way to do that is to download an app on your phone in order to see when you have your period, your usual cycle length and when you are ovulating. If you are not one for either a smartphone or apps, the Menstrual Cycle Calculator site[1], where you can enter how long your period was, when your most fertile period is (so that you can optimally plan when to have sex), and when to anticipate your next period, or take that pregnancy test. Sites like that can be helpful to also get a lot of information regarding what can also affect your body, your cycle and your fertility.

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Super Cute Minions- Healthy and Easy Valentine Treats for Kids

Ready to put your craft pants on?  Lets wow all those little ones in your child’s class with some super cute and super healthy Easy Valentine Treats!  No need to fret over ingredients and forbidden foods in the classroom.  With this simple tutorial, your child will present the most loved Healthy Valentine’s day gifts in town.  Now lets dive in on how you can whip up a batch of these Super Cute, Healthy and Easy Valentine Treats for Kids.

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Every Parent Should Focus On These 3 Toddler Tips

Wow, it seems like just yesterday you were counting your baby’s fingers and toes. Now
you have a very curious little human running around the house that already has a strong
opinion about everything. Wanting, demanding, pointing, and refusing has turning into
splashing, breaking, singing, and yelling. You will find yourself bribing and bargaining to
avoid that tantrum in the grocery store with the best and doing other things you swore
you would never do.

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Why He Fights: What Is The Reason For Child Aggressiveness

Often we come across the aggressiveness of children. Here’s the kid playing in the sandbox – instead of building the pyramids, he suddenly throws himself at the girl with fists. What are the reasons for this behavior? Maybe some parents exaggerate the aggression of a child. What if attempts to defend himself by attacking others is normal for a certain age?

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How to Organize and Clean Baby Stuff

how to organize and clean baby stuff

Your child brings you so much love and joy every single day. It’s your duty as a
parent to provide him a safe space to explore the new world with all of its miracles
and mysteries. Day after day your kid’s curiosity grows and develops, every item
attracts its attention and captivates the interest for longer.

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The Best Nursery Must Haves for Unique Modern Moms

The Best Nursery Must Haves for the Unique Modern Mom

Bay blues and sweet pinks are the norm when it comes to new babies.  However, as times change so do our decor tastes.  The Modern Day Mom is into those unique stand out patterns and simplistic decor.  Yes, we all love the cute ruffles and frilly gowns, but that doesn’t mean we cant beef up the baby’s room!  I’m talking about adorning those walls with some sweet digs. Momma bear is busy making a human, so only the best nursery must haves for a unique modern mom will do!

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What You Need To Know From Conception to 3 Months Pregnant

Whatyou need to know from conception to 3 months pregnant (2)

Hi again.  Yes, you there.  Oh, no, you don’t need to hide that potato chip dipped in frosting with bacon bit sprinkles, I won’t judge.  You’re pregnant and things are going to change.   You may have noticed a few differences in your overall self these past months, some more apparent than others.  Rest assured these changes are normal during those first 3 months pregnant.

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